Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sometimes i find a hair which is white a the tip and black again at the roots, why?

Just as with hair turning grey, it can turn other colors as well over time. I don't know if you have colored your hair at all or not, or bleached it, but if you haven't, probably what's going on is that your hair is gradually shifting in color due to age, stress, change in diet, or some other internal factor. Grey has been known to reverse itself, though it is not very common. The usual tendency is for hair to start out a darker color and become grey as we age, but a reversal in pigmentation is just as feasible if, again, unlikely.

Sometimes i find a hair which is white a the tip and black again at the roots, why?

Stress gray

Sometimes i find a hair which is white a the tip and black again at the roots, why?

ur hair not much vitamin

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