Thursday, October 8, 2009

If u pull out a white hair, is it true 7 more will grow back? is this a myth?

It's a myth. Only one hair will grow from each follicle. Maybe two, at most, but this still wouldn't be caused by pulling it out. If you pull out a hair from the root enough times, it might not grow back at all.

If u pull out a white hair, is it true 7 more will grow back? is this a myth?

I say myth.

I have been pulling out the same, one gray hair (yes, I know I am lucky) for about 3 years now. It has never multiplied and I never let it get longer than an inch, so I pull it at least 5 x a year!!

If u pull out a white hair, is it true 7 more will grow back? is this a myth?

BY what mechanism of DNA and metabolism do you suspect such a proposition would work?

Do you think there's a tiny guy in sitting behind a desk with a computer that senses when a white hair is plucked, and then sends out little farmers to plant seven replacements?

Of course its a myth.

It only seems plausible becuase as we get older more of our hairs start to turn white. The process accelerates-- so when people pluck hairs, they fool themselves...

If u pull out a white hair, is it true 7 more will grow back? is this a myth?


If u pull out a white hair, is it true 7 more will grow back? is this a myth?

this is an old wives tale. the only thing it could do is damage the hair follicle

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